Timothy H. Warren

Office: Basic Science 113
Phone: 202-687-6362
Fax: 202-687-6209

Warren Group Website



B.S., summa cum laude, 1992 University of Illinois;
Ph.D. 1997 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
NSF-NATO and Alexander von Humboldt Fellow 1997-1999, University of Münster, Germany. 

NSF CAREER Award (2002)
One of top 40 international inorganic chemists under 40 years of age (Inorganic Chimica Acta, 2007)
Elected Vice-Chair (2015) and Chair (2017) of Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms GRC


General Chemistry I & II, General Chemistry for Majors, Inorganic Chemistry, Synthetic Methods, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Spectroscopic Applications.

Research Interests

Green synthetic methods, bioinorganic chemistry, and nitrogen oxides in the environment.

Our research interests and expertise center around synthetic and mechanistic inorganic chemistry applied to organic synthesis and bioinorganic systems. We develop new synthetically useful C-H functionalization reactions based on synthetic and mechanistic studies of reactive copper intermediates. For instance, our group has isolated the first copper carbene and nitrene complexes that participate in C-C and C-N bond forming reactions. The detailed study of these and related reactive copper complexes has led to a host of new, synthetically useful C-H → C-N, C-O, and C-C bond forming reactions. Further efforts in green chemistry involve the use of “frustrated Lewis pairs” for the metal-free functionalization of hydrocarbons using only main group elements. We also examine the reactivity of nitric oxide, an important signaling molecule in Nature, and its biological relatives at synthetic complexes inspired by copper enzymes. These studies aid in the understanding of the molecular events involved in the processing of nitric oxide in biological systems.

For More information, please see our group webpages.