Ph.D. Program

Interested in the Chemistry Ph.D. Program?

Prospective students can contact our Graduate Admissions coordinator Ms. Tabi Lemlem (202-687-6073) or the Graduate Admissions chair Prof. Travis Holman.

Office of Admissions

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Our Ph.D. program guides students to attain the following goals upon graduation:

1.  Broad chemistry knowledge. The students will broaden and deepen their understanding of theories, concepts and models to enhance their success as scientists and educators.

2.  Expertise in a specific discipline.  Each student will acquire a deep working knowledge of a particular field in chemistry.

3.  Communication skills. Graduates will be able to construct and defend arguments with clarity.  They will be able to write for and speak with peers, experts and the public on a range of topics specific to their discipline.

4.  The ability to access and evaluate primary literature.  Students will have the ability to search, read and critically analyze the primary literature in order to understand and synthesize new ideas in their field.

5.  Data analysis skills.  Students will have the ability to produce, analyze and interpret meaningful chemical data and draw sound conclusions.

6.  Become independent researchers.  Graduates will be able to conceive, design and execute research projects independently.

7.  Make original scientific contributions.  Students will solve new and significant problems in their chosen field.  They will understand the importance of this work in advancing the progress of their discipline and be able to explain its relevance.  The quality and value of this work will be such that it can be published in a highly respected peer reviewed journal.

8.  Responsible conduct in research.  Graduates will understand and conduct research exhibiting the highest standards of safety, honesty and integrity.

9.  Teamwork and interdisciplinary collaboration.  Graduates will have the ability to work effectively as part of a team and to cross traditional boundaries and execute multidisciplinary research. 

10. Teaching and mentoring skills.  Students will acquire teaching skills and gain experience mentoring less experienced scientists in a research setting.