Fellowship & Award Information


All graduate students admitted to the Chemistry Ph.D. program receive a stipend and full tuition support for up to five years, assuming satisfactory progress toward the Ph.D. Stipend support is contingent upon departmental service through a teaching assistantship or a research assistantship.  All students receiving financial aid are reviewed annually.

Additionally, first-year students who (a) reach “excusing level” on four qualifying exams taken in the first attempt and (b) have not been enrolled previously in a graduate degree program in Chemistry, are eligible for a Department Espenscheid Fellowship.  Espenscheid Fellows are not required to teach during the summer after their first year, thereby affording them more time to conduct research.

Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Fellowships & Awards

For information about External Funding Opportunities and GSAS Travel and Research Awards, see https://grad.georgetown.edu/research/external-fellows-and-funding/

Patrick Healy Graduate Fellowship

Named in honor of Georgetown’s 28th President, Patrick Healy, the first African-American to earn a doctorate degree, and the first African-American President of Georgetown University (1874–1882), the Healy Fellowship is intended to further Georgetown’s commitment to creating a diverse community composed of the most qualified students.  Patrick Healy Fellows are supported for up to five years, assuming satisfactory progress toward the Ph.D.  Departmental nominations are due in February.

For more information see https://grad.georgetown.edu/research/external-fellows-and-funding/univ-fellowships/healy-fellowship/ 

Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD)

The Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) program is a new 5-year cross-disciplinary training program funded by the National Institutes of Health.  This highly competitive and prestigious training grant is designed to invigorate the workforce and inspire younger students from diverse backgrounds to pursue Ph.D. degrees in the biomedical sciences.    

With the first cohort of students starting in July 2022, this program provides two years of financial support and training for a total of 20 doctoral students, and targets enrollment of individuals underrepresented in biomedical research.

Chemistry faculty PIs in the IMSD program include: Esther Braselmann, Toshiko Ichiye, Kaveh Jorabchi, Rodrigo Maillard, Steven Metallo, Paul Roepe, Sarah Stoll, Jennifer Swift and Christian Wolf.   

For more information on the IMSD program, see https://biomedicalprograms.georgetown.edu/imsd/ or contact the Director of Graduate Studies.

ARCS Scholar Awards

The Metropolitan Washington Chapter of the ARCS Foundation has played a vital role in sustaining and enhancing scientific study at the university through its generous support of graduate education and research in the STEM fields since 1973.  The Chemistry Department Nominates top students for these awards each year.

For more information on ARCS Scholar Awards, see https://grad.georgetown.edu/prog-req-inst-endorse/arcs/

Clare Boothe Luce Program for Women in STEM

For more information, see https://www.hluce.org/programs/clare-boothe-luce-program/about/

Other Programs:

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)

American Chemical Society (ACS)

Cosmos Scholars (https://www.cosmosclubfoundation.org/scholars/)