Prospective Undergrad Students

The Department of Chemistry offers two undergraduate majors, Chemistry and Biochemistry. These are both great choices for students interested in learning the vast range of what molecules can do – from keeping us safe to understanding recognition mechanisms between cells, and prepared to tackle major scientific challenges such as renewable energy and climate change. Students have many opportunities to actively engage in the creation of new knowledge by involvement in mentored undergraduate research.
Courses in the First Year
In the first year, students in both majors begin by taking General Chemistry I & lab (CHEM 1300 & 1305, Fall) and Majors General Chemistry II & lab (CHEM 1400 & 1405, Spring). Biochemistry majors also take Foundations in Biology I & II (BIOL 1203 & 1204). Both majors also typically complete the Calculus requirement in the first year, and take general education courses (e.g. theology, foreign language) and electives.
Course descriptions and schedules can be found here. Other common questions may be answered on our FAQ page or by contacting the department.