Undergraduate Research FAQ

Point of Contact: 

Prof. Diana Glick, Directory of Undergraduate Studies, glickdc@georgetown.edu.

Philosophy of research:

For most students, this means hands-on laboratory research, typically performed under the close supervision of a senior member of the lab (e.g. graduate student).

How to get started:

From Website of the Chemistry Department: “Undergraduates are encouraged to get involved in research as early as possible by enrolling in credit-bearing research courses, the GU Research Opportunities Program (GUROP) or even on a volunteer basis. Students who wish to make a serious multi-term commitment to undergraduate research are encouraged to pursue the Honors program which culminates in a senior presentation and a written thesis.”

How to get connected with a faculty mentor:

We have a long record of including undergraduates in research. They learn about it during orientation freshman year on day one.

Earning credit for undergraduate research:

Students can earn credit from the following courses involving research: Chemistry Research (CHEM 3709 or 3809) ; Honors Research (CHEM 4809, 4909, 4999).

Getting paid for research:

Students are sometimes paid if the faculty member has grant funds, but this is pretty atypical. Most students perform research through GUROP or for credit.

Thesis or capstone research:

Students in the honors program create a senior presentation and thesis.