Phase 2 Research Restart Policies for 236A Regents Hall (Raman room)
Phase 2 Research Restart Policies for 236A Regents Hall (Raman room)
In order to comply with the social distancing guidelines required by Georgetown University, only one person at a time may use the instrument. This means only fully trained, independent users may run experiments. There will be no training until restrictions are removed.
Reservations will be required in the Raman Google calendar, as has been the case in the past. Please allow at least 10 minutes between users.
PPE – 1. A suitable mask or face covering must be worn at all times when inside the Raman room to minimize potential contamination of the shared space.
2. Nitrile or latex gloves used by all users when entering the room. All users should re-glove prior to handling materials for final room cleaning (see below) and should de-glove upon exiting the room.
3. Lab coats, safety glasses and other PPE as appropriate for your planned experiment should also be worn.
Cleaning – Disinfectant solution will be provided in the cubicles just outside the room so users can wipe down surfaces.
1. Frequently touched surfaces (listed below) should be wiped down with a paper towel which has been wetted with the disinfectant solution available in the Raman before use.
tables at front and back of instrument
cabinet top
top of instrument
omputer mouse
door handles
on/off switches of computer, uscope stage power supply, laser power supply (or supplies), joystick you used , door handles, etc.) “Press and Seal” cover on keyboard
2. The keyboard cover should be removed and discarded in the trash upon leaving the room.
3. Everyone must remove all samples/vials/waste of any kind from the room after each use. This will reduce the potential for contamination from user to user and make is easier to disinfect the surfaces. Clutter will be kept to an absolute minimum.
4. Wipe down the door handles (inside and out) on exiting the room and use hand sanitizer before leaving.
Ramp-Down Plan – Should it become necessary to ramp-down use, Dr. Rubinson will take care of instrument shut down.
Other – A sign-in sheet will be posted at the door. This is separate from the user log typically filled out by the users. This sheet will provide documentation that occupancy limits are being observed as well as provide an easily accessible and traceable ‘contact list’ in the event that at some point a user test positive for COVID-19. Example:
First name | Last name | Nit ID | Date | Time in | Time out | Purpose of the visit |
Faye | Rubinson | jfr | 7/20/20 | 10:20am | 11:50am | Instrument startup |