Anti-racism Resources

A List of Anti-Racism Resources, Georgetown Chemistry (with the help of Georgetown WISE) and adapted from Google Doc (linked below) compiled by @SarafinaNance and @neecolelong

Anti-Racism in STEM and Higher Education

  1. “How Higher Ed Can Fight” – The Chronicle ,June 1st, 2020
  2. “How it Feels to be Black and STEM and a woman”
  3. US Department of Education Report on “Advancing Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education”
  4. “Four ways that scientists and academics can effectively combat racism”
  5. BLK + In Grad School

Continued Learning

Google Document of Anti-Racism resources compiled by @SarafinaNance and @neecolelong detailing articles, movies, books and donation sites

Some questions to ask yourself, your family and your friends as you navigate and determine what all these resources mean to you.

  • What does anti-racism mean to me? 
  • How will I embody anti-racism into my everyday life? 
  • How has my family talked about racism and how have those conversations ended?
    • If these are positive conversations, what actions come from them? What more work is there to be done?
    • If these are negative conversations, what are the additional resources I need to feel equipped to approach their opposition?
    • If there are no conversations, how will I start these conversations? Do I have the emotional support/strength to do it alone? If not, how can I strengthen to start the conversation sooner rather than later?
  • Do I understand the history of my city of residence? Systemic racism has existed since the inception of America, and each cities’ history is different. Take some time to understand your own city, its actions it has taken against black people and POC. Find books and articles and follow people within the city legislature to hold accountable.
  • What is my role in today’s fight? Review this framework by Deepa Iyer from Solidarity Is and the Building Movement Project to understand the many roles you will take in this fight.
  • Take stock in the news and social media that you follow. Review who you follow and determine if these are the sorts of accounts that empower you, educate you, and bring you joy. 
  • If you are non-black, do you have black friends? 
    • If you don’t, why don’t you? Assess your personal experiences. 
    • If you do, have you checked in on them in a helpful way? Do not ask anything of them. Let me emphasize, they do not owe you anything right now. Tell them that you are there for them, and do the work
  • Phrases to be aware of (original post by Rachel Cargle):
    • Remove from your lexicon:
      • “I’m shocked.”
      • “I can’t believe this is happening.”
      • “I had no idea.”
      • “This is insane.”
    • Do say things like:
      • “I’ve found an organization that helps in these types of ways.”
      • “I’ve donated money.”
      • “I’ve brought this topic up with my coworkers and family.”
      • “I’ve researched more on this/these topics.”
  • Dedicate a consistent amount of time to educating yourself. Currently this feels overwhelming. Create a time and space daily/weekly that allows you to read, dissect, and inform yourself on what is going on around you, with the goal being to create tangible, actionable and impactful items. Remind yourself this will be consistently uncomfortable, and that’s okay.